Project "Telemedicine" Information service of social care of Primorsky Krai Business-plan Table of contents 1. Problem 3. The ways of realization of the project. 3.1. The main ways of realization
of the project 3.2. Measures and the realization
of the plan stage by stage The Scheme of a videoconferenсes of medical institutions of Vladivostok The Scheme of organization the communication of the videoconference system of medical institutions of Primorsky Krai 3.3 Prospect of development of the project 4. Financing
of the project. The investments 4.1. Current charges and financing 4.2. Resources 4.4. Financial characteristics of the project 4.4.1. Expected
incomes (earnings) from the basic and additional activity 4.4.2. Expected charges on the
project 4.4.3. Balance of the Incomes and
charges of the project 5. Results 5.1.
Expected results from realization of the project 5.2. Forecasted pay-back periods of project 7. Conclusions 8. The description of functions of "information Center" Organization-announcer:
Interregional union of Far-Eastern
Medical Association Leader:
President of the Interregional union
of Far-Eastern Medical Association Prikhodko V.N., phone
+7-4232-225032. Author:
Head of the Regional Center for Disaster
medicine, Emergency and Ambulance care Partin A.P., phone +7-4232-400525, Project
area: Primorsky Krai, Russia Proposed
cost of the project: $
2 353 465 Sum
of donation: $ 828 660 Members
of the project (Russian investors): Interregional
union of Far-Eastern Medical Association President of Association
Prikhodko Viktor Nickolaevich Phone: +7-4232-225032, fax: +7-4232-225032. Regional
Center for Disaster medicine, Emergency and Ambulance care Head
Partin Alexander Pavlovich Phone: +7-4232-400525,
director Lukin Sergey Petrovich Phone:
+7-4232-412000, fax +7-4232-412000. E-mail:
JSC “Electric Communications
of the Primorsky Krai”
director Melnikov Gennady Vasilievich Phone:
+7-4232-229898, fax: +7-4232-268197.
Pushnikov Andrey Albertovich Phone/fax
+7-4232-318310,. |
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