The main ways of realization of the project


            The program of realization of the project consists of six main parts.


1.1. Development of the technical project and feasibility report of the project.

1.2. Search of the investors and Foundation provides grants for the project and coordination with them of the working documentation and feasibility report.

1.3. Development and coordination of the equipment designs of construction " Regional information service of the social care", network of transfer of data, service of providing Telemedicine. Examination the Project in Russian and international independent organizations.

1.4. Creation of noncommercial organization "Regional information service of the social care", its registration and reception of the necessary licenses.

            1.5. Purchase (reception) of the equipment, techniques and software, realization of construction of the information service and network "Telemedicine".

1.6 Certification of a system and input it in operation.


Three stages of the program realization:

1 stage ( issue  3.1.1.)                         – till  31 .10. 1999 .

2 stage ( issue 3.1.2., 3.1.3.)               – till  20 . 02. 2000.

3 stage ( issue  3.1.4., 3.1.5.,3.1.6.)    – till  30 . 11. 2000.


There are some independent, but connected among themselves, directions of activity  of "Regional information service of the social care", as of the united information space.


The first direction is the creation of such kind of operative medical service on the territory of Primorsky Krai, as a System  of  telemedicine consultations of medical institutions of Primorsky Krai ("Telemedicine").


Taking into consideration that Primorsky Krai is situated very far from the center of Russia and occupies huge territory, it is difficult to organize high quality medical aid in time for the whole population and especially for the inhabitants of regions, located far from regional center.

The system of telemedicine consultations, being one of the main structural elements of the concept of providing with an information, a medical service of Primorsky Krai should provide the whole spectrum of the two-way telemedicine consultations.

It is supposed to organize a System of operative communication with medical institutions of Primorije "Telemedicine"; which will connect doctors from the regional center and also from other districts with leading clinics and their experts (specialists) in Russia and in other advanced countries of the world. The similar operative communication will allow in difficult clinical situations to conduct consilium with participation of the leading experts with the purpose of setting a diagnosis and treatment. Besides this System will allow to organize the operative monitoring service in different towns of Primorsky Krai.


Depending on the medical requirements it can be:

-         transfer in a mode off-line the medical information to a doctor, for example, x-ray, CT, endoscopic and other images, but also accompanying textual information on telephone lines for the analysis;

-         telemedicine consultation in a mode of videoconference; 

-         telemedicine consultation in a mode on-line with transfer and discussion by the experts of the medical information prepared beforehand;

-         realization in a mode on-line of the patient examination on the diagnostic equipment, controlled on distance;

-         realization in a mode on-line of operations.

The system should provide both bilateral and multilateral consultations.


         This program requires installation of the special equipment in all large clinics of Vladivostok and centers of territories but also installation of the specialized equipment for videoconferences at the operator of services of communication (Vladivostok Telephone Station - VTS).


The second direction connected to this program is creation of  the "Regional information center" (analogue of a Service 911 in USA) in Primorije as one of the divisions of "Regional information service of the social care".


The «Regional information center» is an information-reference service, it has data bases, multi-channel telephone reference service and system of the notification of an emergency situations in the Vladivostok.

Any person requiring for medical services is charge-free (including from other city) call on the usual telephone on special number 211 (analogue of the number 911). The call arrives under the multichannel telephone number to one of 16 especially trained telephone operators who answer both on Russian and in English languages. Simultaneously with the professional operators there is: psychologist, professional medical specialist, and representative of municipality in center. Each operator has the computer, connected to server with databases. The operator during conversation finds out whether the emergency help is necessary or the medical information is required, simultaneously the operator records in a database the information about calling and problems. In case of occurrence of an emergency situation, the operator, not interrupting telephone communications, operatively calls the Ambulance or Disaster Medicine or fire command or other emergency service. If calling the medical information is necessary, the operator using available databases in "Regional information center" gives the information about:


-         medicine (price, where it is possible to buy it and how much it costs);

-         available places in medical institutions;

-         represented sanatorium services;

-         funeral services;

-         services of the professional doctors in different medical institutions of the Vladivostok and Primorije;

-         About social privileges, pensions, allowances.    


            Regional information center must provide:

-         round-the-clock charge-free information about free places in hospitals and medicines  in drugstores; to call the Ambulance or Regional Center for Disaster Medicine, Emergency and Ambulance care and etc.;

-         all possible and necessary for medicine of Primorije channels of communication;

-         service, regular updating and access to every possible databases;

-         communication with the medical insurance companies, including international.


Current problems of information center:

First of all, it is the creation and guarantee of activity of an information infrastructure enabling to use in practical medicine (either in usual circumstances, or in extraordinary ones), modern computer and information technologies, including videoconferences (telemedicine).

The second problem is - organization of effective work of this information service (absence of useless periods in work of the equipment, organization of videoconferences in view of a difference in time, operative delivery of patients from the far distances to monitors).   

The third problem is - creation and updating of databases about medicines, available medical services.


At the same time it is clear, that the construction of such complete system requires considerable sum of money, the payment of which is just impossible for Administration of Primorsky Krai is practically impossible. That’s why the realization of the project is supposed to be stage by stage at which each element of a system created at an appropriate stage can function independently. The element created at the following stage is connected to a functioning system expanding of its opportunity. Such scheme of the realization of the project will allow to construct a large system of independently functioning blocks with limited opportunities of financing.